Hila Fish

Hila Fish

Senior DevOps Engineer at Wix

Hila Fish is a Senior DevOps Engineer, with 15 years of experience in the tech industry. AWS Community Builder, Hashicorp Ambassador, and an International public speaker who believes the DevOps culture is what drives a company to perform at its best and talks about that and other DevOps/Infrastructure topics at conferences. She carries the vision to enhance and drive business success by taking care of its infrastructure.
In her spare time, Hila is a lead singer of a cover band, giving back to the community by co-organizing DevOps-related conferences (Inc. "DevOpsDays TLV" & "StatsCraft" monitoring-focused event), providing mentorship and managing programs in “Baot” (The largest technical women’s community in Israel), and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge wherever she can, including across diverse technology communities, initiatives and social media.

Terraform Practices to Enable Infrastructure Scaling

Agenda Talks

DevOps Con

11:40 to 12:25
01 Nov 2023

Terraform Practices to Enable Infrastructure Scaling

This talk provides tips on using Terraform for Infra & team scaling, avoid pitfalls, security considerations when using Terraform, etc.