Razvan Oancea

Razvan Oancea

Lead Java Developer at MassMutual Romania

Razvan started his IT adventure 12 years ago as a software developer.  

He joined MassMutual Romania in December 2020 and is a Lead Java Developer. Besides coding and designing new applications, he’s a big fan of Formula 1, and one day he would like to drive his car on the Nürburgring circuit. From time to time, he also enjoys playing a good chess game. 

Agenda Talks


11:25 to 12:25
01 Nov 2023

Mastering Secure Java Programming

Today's applications are not only connected across multiple networks, but are also often connected to the cloud, which leaves them open to all cloud threats and vulnerabilities. But with a combination of security tools and teams, a business can secure applications from multiple fronts.