Jeroen Rosink

Jeroen Rosink

Senior Test Consultant at Squerist

Jeroen is a passionate test professional with about 24 years of experience in testing, test management and executing, coordinating, coaching and advising roles. Driven by his passion he always search for those things which makes testing valuable and interesting. Besides presenting several times on the Dutch TestNet conferences (2010, 2012,2016,2019,2023), he also gave presentations and/or workshops on SeeTest 2017 Sofia, SeeTest 2018 Belgrade, SeeTest 2019 Bucharest, TestCon 2018 Vilnius, TestCon 2019 Moscow, QA Expo 2019 Madrid, Seetest 2021 Bucharest. Inflectracon 2023 Washington D.C, TestCon Europe 2023, Vilnius. Also he made his contributions to an anniversary book of TestNet “Set your course: Future and trends in testing” (translated from Dutch), Co Author "The characteristics of a modern testing process" (translated from Dutch) and the book “How to reduce cost of software testing”.

Test AI/ML like an auditor or an astronomer

AI and ML are new technologies that will be applied at a rapid pace. The impact of this on testing will be large. For a large part, well-known approaches will still be sustainable. Organizations as well as testers will also have to adjust to keep up with the times. Sometimes it is hard to keep up and still need to start with testing. The 2 approaches helps to provide initial insights.

This presentation discusses two low-level approaches, The Auditors Approach and The Blackhole approach.  These are suitable for use in organizations where knowledge and resources related to AI/ML are still limitedand yet can be integrated into existing test approaches. The Auditors approach and the Black hole approach to be introduced here.

These two approaches can help testers to gain new knowledge in a simple and wild way in the short term. And soon better to understand the all-embracing approaches that are yet to be developed. 

Agenda Talks

QA Automation Con

16:50 to 17:20
02 Nov 2023

Test AI/ML like an auditor or an astronomer

AI and ML are new technologies that will be applied at a rapid pace.