Jakub Dering

Jakub Dering

Tech Lead for Performance Engineers at N/A

For the last 8 years I've been trying to improve the quality of performance testing by training and mentoring colleagues in this profession. 

Open source contributor (JMeter) with background in data science, economics and software testing

7 sins of performance testing

Performance Testing is one of the least known branches of the IT industry. Tutorials and resources available can teach you the tools but they rarely cover the best practices. I will talk about the most common errors and anti-patterns  in performance testing and how you can avoid them - from tool selection, through test design, up to tester's development. 

Agenda Talks

QA Automation Con

12:25 to 13:05
02 Nov 2023

7 sins of performance testing

Performance Testing is one of the least known branches of the IT industry.